作為2016上海國際建筑工業化展覽會(BIC 2016)的同期活動,BetonTage asia 2016 上海國際建筑工業化峰會將于2016年11月14日至15日在上海卓美亞喜瑪拉雅酒店隆重舉行
Welcome to BetonTage asia 2016 Shanghai International Building Industrialization Congress.
Date: November14th & 15th, 2016
Venue: Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel, Shanghai, China
Scale: 500
本屆峰會主題 Theme▼
? 建筑信息 Construction Industry Informatization
? 成本控制 Cost Control Management
? 施工安全 Construction safety
聯合主辦方 Organizer▼
峰會致辭嘉賓Distinguished Guest:
Wilfried Roeser 先生
Mr. Wilfried Roeser
owner and CEO of BETON-RÖSER
Wilfried Roeser先生,德國南部傳統預制混凝土公司BETON-RÖSER的所有者及首席執行官。其公司的產品范圍覆蓋預制混凝土管道、檢修孔、污水排放以及雨水儲存系統的高效及自動化生產。 近20年來,Roeser先生一直盡心投身于德國幾大預制混凝土行業協會分支機構的相關工作。他是德國西南部聯邦州巴登-符騰堡州預制混凝土協會的副主席,該協會也是歐洲最大預制混凝土大會BetonTage的前身。Roeser先生同時也是巴登-符騰堡州地方性優質協會Güteschutz Beton大會的主席以及Güteschutz同盟優質聯邦德國協會副主席。 Roeser 先生受邀擔任BetonTage asia 2016 上海國際建筑工業化峰會致辭嘉賓。
Wilfried Roeser is owner and CEO of the traditional precast concrete company BETON-RÖSER, located in Mittelfischach in southern Germany.His product range covers precast concrete pipes and manholes, sewage and rain water storage systems in a high efficient automatic production. For 20 years he is engaged in branch work in several associations of the precast concrete industry in Germany.He is Vice President of the German precast concrete association of Baden-Württemberg, the mother organisation of the BetonTage congress in Europe.He is Chairman of the Güteschutz Beton in Baden-Württemberg, the regional quality association, and he is Vice Chairman of the Federal German association for quality, Bund Güteschutz.Mr. Roeser is invited to deliver a keynote address at the opening ceremony of BetonTage asia 2016 on behalf of the Organizing Committee.
About FBF:
FBF 混凝土服務有限公司為BetonTage歐洲最大的混凝土預制行業大會主辦方,BetonTage (德語“混凝土日”)是歐洲最大的預制混凝土行業盛會,以大會與展覽結合的形式為與會者打造全面的行業信息平臺。大會每年在新烏爾姆Edwin-Scharff-Haus會議中心舉行時都會吸引來自20個國家的約2000名代表齊聚一堂,在愉悅的氛圍中交流分享。BetonTage憑借其高品質的議程安排,知名的演講陣容,以及豐富的工程、軟件及供應商展覽享譽歐洲59年。其產品委員會將提供混凝土技術、制造工藝與標準化的最新趨勢。同時大會也為經驗分享、專家講授以及行業對接提供了更多的機會。
FBF,a presitigious and professinal Precast Concrete Association, also the organizer of BetonTage. The BetonTage is the Europe's largest precast congress that provides attendees with a comprehensive knowledge platform by combining the congress program with an industry exhibition. Each year, about 2,000 attendees from 20 countries join this industry gathering at the Edwin-Scharff-Haus Congress Center and thoroughly enjoy the personal touch and pleasant atmosphere at the event. This long-standing congress features a high-profile agenda, renowned speakers and a fully booked exhibition of the engineering, software and supplier industries. Product-specific panels provide key insights into latest trends in concrete technology, manufacturing processes and standardization. Yet there are a lot more opportunities to share experience and expertise, engage in talks and network with peers and business partners.
馮 女士 Ms.Fiona Feng
+86 21 6195 3506
王 女士 Ms. Stacy Wang
86 21 6195 3504