2016上海國際建筑工業化展覽會(BIC 2016)同期活動,BetonTage asia 2016 上海國際建筑工業化峰會將于2016年11月14日至15日在上海卓美亞喜瑪拉雅酒店隆重舉行。
本屆會議,除了傳統的BetonTage asia峰會之外, 更將于展會現場打造全新的BTA Pavilion(德國展團),建筑機械設備企業MBK Maschinenbau、著名建筑設計軟件Dlubal Software、IDAT、全球工業自動化和信息化領域的領導品牌Unitechnik集團以及眾多海外知名品牌將攜手展示最新技術及前沿產品!
Along with the traditional BetonTage asia, we will bring you the brand-new BTA Pavilion this year.The pavilion will feature some top names in Germany concrete precast industry include MBK Maschinenbau、Dlubal Software、IDAT、Unitechnik Group and other famed brands.All these exhibitors will bring their latest technology and products.BTA Pavilion will landing at BetonTage asia this November. Head over to Shanghai New International Expo Center on Nov. 14-15th and feel an extraordinary technical journey.
BTA Pavilion首期參展代表團
Booth Number:N2D12-B3
About IDAT
IDAT GmbH是德國一家預制混凝土行業內的專業軟件開發公司。我們提供高效率的軟件來執行、組織和優化預制混凝土生產流程。我們的程序IDAT-CCAD在行業內最為先進,是預制樓板、墻板、柱、梁、樓梯等構件高度自動化的深化設計解決方案。該解決方案是基于市場領先的Autodesk(歐特克)AutoCAD平臺和Revit平臺。
IDAT-CCAD在整個設計階段內支持用戶進行構件深化拆分、配筋、生成連接件和預埋件(比如吊點等)、出圖(構件生產圖、施工現場吊裝圖等)、物料管理以及設備控制(劃線機、激光投影系統以及焊網機的CAD / CAM接口)并把數據導出到流水線主控系統的中央電腦上。
IDAT-CCAD是三維BIM軟件,集成了中國建筑標準規程,深化設計符合中國建筑構造要求。 IDAT-ERP是預制混凝土工廠生產的全套管理方案。它報告了溝通記錄和客戶聯系情況(CRM),給出了詳細的評估選項并自動生成報價、管理材料準備(庫存管理、采購管理),管理整個生產過程(調度、模臺規劃,資源規劃),包括全程物流模塊(運輸調度、車隊安排),并與施工現場移動設備上的IDAT-ERP程序進行通信。IDAT-ERP軟件還有報告和流程優化功能。
IDAT GmbH is a German software developing company specialized in the precast concrete manufacturing business. We offer high efficient software to execute, organize and optimize the process of precast concrete manufacturing. Our program IDAT-CCAD is a state of the art and highly automated technical design solution for precast slabs, walls, columns, beams and stairs. The programs are based on the market leading platform programs AutoCAD and Revit from Autodesk.
IDAT-CCAD supports the user in all design steps like segmentation, reinforcing, generation of connections and inserts (like lifting anchors etc.), plan generation (shop drawings, site plans etc.), material handling and machine controls (CAD/CAM interface for plotters, laser projection systems or mesh welding machines) and also data export to central computers of carousel systems.
IDAT-CCAD is fully 3D and BIM integrated and adapted to Chinese standards and regulations. IDAT-ERP is a solution for the complete administrative and organisatorial support of production processes in precast concrete factories. It reports communication and customer contacts (CRM), gives detailed estimation options and automatic generation of quotations, organizes material preparation (stock management, purchase management), take full control about the production process (scheduling, table planning, resource planning), includes a full logistics module (transportation scheduling, fleet planning) and communicates with the construction site about mobile devices at place and special IDAT-ERP Apps. Also comfortable options for reporting and process optimation are available.
IDAT 解決方案Solution
全程BIM整合、高度自動化的三維CAD 程序來進行構件深化設計。可拆分實心墻、三明治墻、雙皮墻,實心樓板、疊合樓板、預應力空心樓板、雙T板,以及樓梯、梁柱等異形構件。基于Autodesk平臺,與Autodesk數據完全兼容,無需在不同軟件平臺切換和轉換數據。可與其他ERP管理軟件對接。
? IDAT Palletizer
綜合考慮構件規格順序、模臺布板利用率等因數,最大化利用模臺澆筑面。圖形化直觀操作界面,自動與生產線數據反饋。可以集成在IDAT CCAD中。
? IDAT Stacker
自動生成Unitechnik(版本5.0至6.0)、PXML(所有版本)和BVBS等行業標準格式的設備可讀取數據。數據可直接用于預制構件流水線上布模機械手、混凝土布料機、網片焊接設備。也可以傳輸到流水線主控計算中,由主控計算機再進一步傳輸到各個自動化設備。可以集成在IDAT CCAD中。
? IDAT RevitPrecastLink接口
與 IDAT CCAD軟件對接,深化設計Revit建筑模型。自動把Revit數據傳輸到CCAD。在CCAD中拆分完成后,把構件信息反向傳輸到原Revit建筑模型中。Revit 和CCAD兩個軟件間輕松傳輸數據全程雙向——正向、方向數據兼容。