2016上海國際建筑工業化展覽會(BIC 2016)同期活動,BetonTage asia 2016 上海國際建筑工業化峰會將于2016年11月14日至15日在上海卓美亞喜瑪拉雅酒店隆重舉行。 Welcome to BetonTage asia 2016 Shanghai International Building Industrialization Congress.Date: November14th & 15th, 2016
Venue: Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel, Shanghai, China
Scale: 500
本屆會議,除了傳統的BetonTage asia峰會之外, 更將于展會現場打造全新的BTA Pavilion(德國展團),建筑機械設備企業MBK Maschinenbau、著名建筑設計軟件Dlubal Software、IDAT、全球工業自動化和信息化領域的領導品牌Unitechnik集團以及眾多海外知名品牌將攜手展示最新技術及前沿產品!
Along with the traditional BetonTage asia, we will bring you the brand-new BTA Pavilion this year.The pavilion will feature some top names in Germany concrete precast industry include MBK Maschinenbau、Dlubal Software、IDAT、Unitechnik Group and other famed brands.All these exhibitors will bring their latest technology and products.BTA Pavilion will landing at BetonTage asia this November. Head over to Shanghai New International Expo Center on Nov. 14-15th and feel an extraordinary technical journey.
本期BIC將繼續推出BTA Pavilion
參展代表團Dlubal Software GmbH
Booth Number:N2D12-B1
關于DlubalAbout Dlubal:
總部位于德國和捷克的 Dlubal 軟件公司開發有限元和結構分析與設計軟件已經超過 25 年。全球擁有超過 6000 家公司客戶以及 25000 個用戶在 71 個國家滿意的使用 Dlubal 軟件。 我們的分公司分別設立在德國周邊例如法國、意大利、波蘭、捷克等歐洲國家和美國。Dlubal Software 在 2016 年已經成功的通過了 ISO 9001 質量管理體系認證。
“Enjoy Structural Analysis with Dlubal Software”
For more than 25 years, the German-Czech company Dlubal Software develops engineering programs for FEA and structural analysis. More than 6,000 companies and 25,000 satisfied users in 71 countries use the Dlubal Software programs successfully every day. Dlubal Software has branch offices in Germany, France, Italy, Poland, in the Czech Republic and the USA. Since 2016, Dlubal Software is certified according to ISO 9001.
項目案例Customer Project:
? 寧波羅蒙環球樂園云霄飛車“傳奇飛龍”
該建筑的長寬高分別約為 113 米、51 米和 30 米。整體結構共由 86 種不同截面的 6201 根鋼管組成。該工程項目的設計計算采用了 RSTAB 和附加模塊 RS-COM。對軌道結構分別按照中國和歐洲規范進行了承載能力極限狀態設計和疲勞設計,并在計算完成后生成了非常直觀的結果模型效果圖。
Dragon Flight, X-Train Flying Launch Coaster in Ningbo, China
The base area is 113 m × 51 m. At the highest point of the coaster ride, which is called the top hat, a vertex height of approximately 30 m is reached. The overall structure consists of a tubular structure with 6,201 members and 86 cross sections.The rail structure was calculated in RSTAB. Both model and wheel loads were directly imported from the dynamic simulation by using RS COM.
? 瑞士達沃斯洲際酒店
該鋼筋混凝土建筑的長寬高分別約為 119 米、74米和55米,外形酷似一枚金色的雞蛋。其結構模型由 3,232 個節點、638 根桿件、652 個面、29,505 個有限元單元和 77 種截面組成。該工程項目的靜力和抗震設計計算采用了 RFEM 以及動力分析附加模塊 RF-DYNAM Pro。
In December 2013, a hotel with extraordinary architecture was opened in Davos. The building has the shape of a "Golden Egg" and is situated on a mountainside. The hotel is elliptic in shape with all corners rounded out. It was constructed with reinforced concrete and its external dimensions are about 105 m x 40 m.
? 德國巴伐利亞國家森林公園木塔結構樹頂走道
該蛋形木塔結構樹頂走道高 44 米,其螺旋形坡道長度為 520 米。該塔的主要支承結構由16 個旋轉對稱排列的弧形層板膠合木柱構成。上層柱間采用鋼支撐斜桿,底層柱間采用 4 個抗拉及抗壓的空心型鋼十字交叉支撐。木螺旋坡道通過鋼懸臂梁和拉桿固定在木柱上。該工程項目的設計計算采用了 RSTAB 以及相關附加模塊TIMBER、STEEL、RSBUCK、DYNAM。
The egg-shaped tree tower was built around three trees with a height of up to 38 m, growing on a rock formation.The path leading through forest tree-tops has a total length of 1,300 m and is the longest tree-top walk worldwide. It was built in 2009 in the Bavarian Forest National Park in Germany. The walk's principal magnet of tourism is the walkable tree tower with a height of 44 m. It consists of a spiral structure with a length of 520 m, directly connected to the 780 m long tree-top walk.
? 阿拉伯聯合酋長國法拉利世界主題公園
該主題公園被一個巨大的紅色屋頂覆蓋,整個鋼結構屋頂表面約 195,000 m²,采用美露空間框架結構,總計由 17 萬根桿件和約 42,200 個節點構成。整個結構被分成內核、主結構和鉗子三個子結構分別進行建模。該工程項目的設計計算采用了 RSTAB 和附加模塊 RS-COM。
On Al Yas Island, the biggest natural island of the United Arab Emirates, the Ferrari World Theme Park is currently under construction as an amusement and leisure facility.
According to the design concept of Benoy, it will include a Formula 1 fitted circuit, a shopping mall of the size of 300,000 m², condominiums, marinas and also several luxury hotels and two golf courses.The Ferrari World Theme Park is covered by a vast roof. The entire roof structure with a surface of about 195,000 m² consists of a MERO spatial framework.With a total number of about 170,000 members and 42,200 joints, it is the largest spatial framework ever built.
? 有限元結構分析程序 RFEM
有限元程序 RFEM 可以快速并且簡單的建模,然后對含有桿件、板、墻、折板、殼和體單元的 2D 以及 3D 模型進行計算和設計。 正是由于是模塊化軟件系統,基礎程序 RFEM 以及其附加模塊能根據用戶需要定制個性化的程序包。
RFEM - FEM Structural Analysis Software
The finite element analysis program RFEM is a powerful software for quick and easy modeling, structural analysis and design of 2D and 3D models consisting of member, plate, wall, folded plate, shell, solid, and contact elements.Due to the modular software concept, you can connect the main program RFEM with the corresponding add on modules in order to meet your individual requirements.
? 桿件結構分析軟件 RSTAB
結構分析程序 RSTAB 為工作難度要求高的結構工程師在設計復雜桿件結構時提供了一個不可缺少的工具。是一款專注于平面和空間桿件結構的靜力與動力分析計算軟件,其包含功能與 RFEM 相似。適用于各種專業領域。
用戶可以使用 RSTAB 簡單快速的建立結構模型然后計算內力、變形以及支座反力,隨后的結構設計工作則是在考慮材料因素以及規范規定的特殊要求后由附加模塊計算完成。
The 3D structural frame analysis program RSTAB is the ideal tool for the design of beam, frame, or truss structures consisting of steel, reinforced concrete, timber, aluminum, or other materials. With RSTAB you can easily and quickly define a structural model and then calculate the internal forces, deformations, and support reactions. For further design, there are various add on modules available, considering structural data of specific materials and standards.
馮 女士 Ms.Fiona Feng
+86 21 6195 3506
王 女士 Ms.Stacy Wang
+86 21 6195 3504